At the moment I am very busy with the preparations for my next trip to Sri Lanka. From the 22nd of February I will be in Sri Lanka for 5 weeks to continu working on the projects there.
The museum is going well. Visitors are frequently coming and the reactions in the visetors book are inspiaring. Also during the last months new items have been added to the exibition and people have donated other museum items.
Although that there are less toerists coming to Sri Lanka due to the struggles in the north situation and some of the toerists that come seem to find there way to the museum. But the donations by the visitors are lower because locals donate less roepies than the toerists.
I am very looking forward to going back and I hope I will be able to do a lot of voluntary work there for the running projects.
On this blog I will keep you updated about the projects.
Talk to you soon,