Friday, February 22, 2008

I am on the way

12 hours before take off :-)

Yesterday nice article in the dutch newspaper. For the ones who want to learn dutch here is the link:

and here is the article (klick on article and it will get bigger):

I will keep you updated, now busy getting everything sorted before i leave.
Take care,


Friday, February 8, 2008

Up Date

At the moment I am very busy with the preparations for my next trip to Sri Lanka. From the 22nd of February I will be in Sri Lanka for 5 weeks to continu working on the projects there.

The museum is going well. Visitors are frequently coming and the reactions in the visetors book are inspiaring. Also during the last months new items have been added to the exibition and people have donated other museum items.

Although that there are less toerists coming to Sri Lanka due to the struggles in the north situation and some of the toerists that come seem to find there way to the museum. But the donations by the visitors are lower because locals donate less roepies than the toerists.

I am very looking forward to going back and I hope I will be able to do a lot of voluntary work there for the running projects.

On this blog I will keep you updated about the projects.

Talk to you soon,


Quotes from the visitor book in the museum

The visitors come from the surrounding villages, all over Sri Lanka and from all over the world.

" You mesium is very best and this mesium give to us. Good adias and best this mesium for our taken knowledge. "

" Excellent Work, keep going "

" Your pictures help other visitors to touch reality of that day. Very humbling. Thank you. "

" This is best work "

" We appreciate your work! "

" Your work is of great help to the world so that more love and generosity will grow. "

" Very good work going on "

" The sorrow of the people and the victim, Tsunami can be seen through this museum. Please develop this further. "

" All the best - foreigner - good idea "

" Good work. Thanks for all Sri Lankans - on behalf of "

" Your museum is the best. You have done very well. I wish you good luck. "

" All the best. Keep up your great work! "

" Keep up your good work. Thanking you. "

" All the best. May your idea get success. "

" Good job and we really appreciate u. If you can please call us. Get well soon "

" It is great that this kind pictorial detection of events, so that the next generation will not be affected. "

" These images remind us the work is not done "

" Exceptional exhibition, thank you for assembling this."

" Actually this is a good work, but if you got information in under the pic, I think that is best "

" Thank you for establishing your museum "

" Very good work - time will heal xxx"

" A really important establishment both as a document of the Tsunami and a memorial to those who lost their lives. "

" Heart rending commitment "

" Your mesium is very best "

" The photos show to us, just what happened - it's hard to imagine. Good Luck. "

" The never seen of photo Sri Lanka "

" An extremely commendable task. Future generations would know what Tsunami did. "

" Ich habe alle fast noch einmal erlebt "

" I am on bicycle trip + stopped very spontanly. I saw the photos + dind't thought, how many places were damaged horribly. So it is good idea to see in rest all these photos + think about! Good luck! Jens "